All charts for Avalon (YMAV) are available from the Airservices Australia Website.
Recommended add-on scenery for Avalon is listed here.

Located on the outskirts of the Victorian city of Geelong, Avalon Airport (ICAO: YMAV, IATA: AVV) is one of Australia's fastest growing regional airports.
Less than an hour from Melbourne, the airport sees a number of domestic and international flights and has established itself as that city's major alternative commercial airport.
It is also home to the biennial Australian International Airshow.
Avalon only recommended for Narrow-Body Aircraft
The airport at Avalon has limited parking for large aircraft: wide-body aircraft (ie: anything larger than a B753/A321) are not recommended for this airport.
Arrivals from New Zealand should expect either the JAYBI FIVE arrival via the MELBOURNE transition (ML.JAYBI5) when Runway 18 is active, or vectors if Runway 36 is in use.
Note: there is no ILS approach for runway 36.
Pilots departing for New Zealand should expect the JUSTY TWO departure (JUSTY2) or the AVALON FIVE RADAR DEPARTURE (AV5).